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We've finally taken some time to finish this project. Here is how the admin looks like:

CF Presenter Admin

I want to thank Philippe Maegerman very much for letting me include his great text editor in the application

CF Presenter works with MS SQL or MySQL. There is a readme file that explains all the details of the setup process. We haven't made comments to the code so you will need to spend some time if you want to understand it :(

The application itself is very easy to understand, but if you get lost, you can always ask us in the comments :).

I hope you like it and please let me know if you use it.

Tip: If you have plans to use the presenter with a real audience, try to check the resolution of the display that you will use on the presentation because the content of the slides may not fit if the resolution is small.

CF Presenter
CF Presenter Admin
Download the source

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CF Presenter: a presentation application built with CF Flash Forms

Nahuel Foronda

Nahuel Foronda


  1. Nathanael Waite

    Nathanael Waite

    Thank you for all your great examples
  2. John Farrar

    John Farrar

    Hey... is it possible to have slides that contain pictures and or SWFs?
  3. John Farrar

    John Farrar

    And I was thinking that from reading in different places it might even be possible to include sound files and set timing for pages. (Which would be very, very cool.)
  4. Nahuel
    Yes it is possible. You need to use the code view in the htmlEditor and add the img tag where you want it like:
    <img src="http://yourDomain/images/yourImage.jpg" width="123" height="40"/>
    Flash only can load swf and jpg (non progressive). If you want to load a sound has to be inside a swf.
  5. Wayne South Africa

    Wayne South Africa

    I would like to know how I can clear all the cachedgateways that have been created. I have tried to clear them via CF Admin but to no avail.
  6. Laura
    If you need to clear the cached gateways once, add OnApplicationStart(); in Application.cfc's onRequestStart method right after the <cfscript> tag. Run the page once and remove it.

    I would imagine that you need to do that if you changed the code in the cfc gateways, as the actual queries are not cached.
    But if you are developing and modifying the code, I recommend that you change the setting in the config file, presenter.xml:
    <argument name="cacheGateways" type="literal">false</argument>
    and then set it to true in the production server.
  7. Wayne South Africa

    Wayne South Africa

    Dear Laura,

    Thank you very much for your answer. I would like to know what code would need to be added to include the ID key for a select list when you want to (create)/ Add a record to the sql. The dataholder and the var. In my arguments it tells me that the type is not numeric.

    Is there a big diference between variable.dsn and request.dsn as I see you using variables to declare variables. Does this impact session variables?

  8. Wayne Gibsonb

    Wayne Gibsonb

    One more question: I have not been abled to fiqure out how your grid updates when you have added a new presentation name. My grid has FULLNAME in the grid column which is both the firstName and lastname AS FULLNAME form the sql query.

    Thank you
  9. Nathanael Waite
    One question that is and is not related to this application.

    You showed us with this great example of how to expose flash forms with a HTML post to do some asyncronous transactions. But What about doing larger amounts of data. Is there a way to expose a large XML return and process that?
  10. Nahuel
    Is not possible because you can not create a "new" XML object. Flash forms have some restrictions and the word "new" is prohibited.
  11. Bassham


    I downloaded the source but when I try to open the zip file it gives me an error saying the file was corrupt.
  12. Jason
    got it! I switched to my Windows XP PC and it worked. I was having problems downloading it to my Server 2003. I guess the security settings prevented me from exe a zip, who knows? Thanks!! This is well developed code, Ben Forta eat your heart out!!!
  13. Laura
    You can, when you are editing a slide in the administration, switch to the code tab and write an html tag with the image you want to show <img src="The path to your image file and filename">
  14. Sif Baksh

    Sif Baksh

    Thank you very much, I did not think of that :)
  15. Yiwei Duan

    Yiwei Duan

    The application of [Home Locator] is so awesome.I want to study flex using this appliction'd source code.Could you send the source code to me please??Thanks
  16. Don Kerr

    Don Kerr

    Does the Richtext editor allow the user to easily add in hyperlinks? I didn't see this option in your cfpresenter example? I need a richtext editor that works inside cfform, but I need it to support hyperlinks if possible.

  17. Richard


    I used your code to just get the rich text editor and I cannot seem to get the HTML code to load in the "Preview" tab from the database. Has anyone else seen this problem or does anyone know where to get just the rich text editor by itself?
  18. Dan
    cfpresenter\admin\index.cfm: line 3

    29 :    <cfset var q_presentation = "" />
    30 :    
    31 :    <cfquery name="q_presentation" datasource="#variables.dsn#">
  19. dab
    see my last post all the comments didnt make it. I changed my datasource to my existing one as per the readme file and continue to get the datasource presenter not found

    I even hard coded the datasource. Help
  20. existdissolve
    I am having trouble launching the application. I have followed all of the steps, but I get this error when I try to view the application:

    Error while configuring application. Last configured item: appProperties
    Error while configuring application. Last configured item: appProperties

    Any ideas?
  21. Brian
    Why does the cfpresenter.cfm file not display when I change the HEIGHT and WIDTH values of the CFFORM tag? The only thing I did to the file was change the height and width from 100% to 50%. Help!