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This is an old example that we made for a presentation that we gave to the Michigan user group. It shows how to check and uncheck checkBoxes in a cfgrid. Once you have a least one item checked, you can remove it from the grid. A confirmation pops up before the action gets executed just in case. Then you need to submit the form to see the results.

Checkboxes in a cfgrid

<cfsavecontent variable="actionRemove">
   var contactList = contactList;
   var console = console;
   var confirm = function (evt)
if (evt.detail == mx.controls.Alert.OK)
for(var i:Number = contactList.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
            var item:Object = contactList.dataProvider[i];
            if(item.checked.toString() == "true")
               contactList.selectedIndex = i;
   alert("Are you sure you want to remove the checked records?", "Warning",
   mx.controls.Alert.OK | mx.controls.Alert.CANCEL, confirm);
<cfsavecontent variable="selectToggle">
   if(selectBtn.label == "Check all")
      for(var i:Number = 0; i < contactList.length; i++)
         contactList.editField(i, "checked", "true");
      selectBtn.label = "Uncheck all";
   else if(selectBtn.label == "Uncheck all")
      for(var i:Number = 0; i < contactList.length; i++)
         contactList.editField(i, "checked", "false");
      selectBtn.label = "Check all";
<cfdump var="#form#">
<cfform name="addressBook" format="flash" width="410" height="310">
      <cfformgroup type="panel" label="Contacts">
      <!--- grid with contact names and email addresses --->
         <cfgrid name="contactList" query="contactsQuery" height="220" rowheaders="false"

            <cfgridcolumn name="checked" header="Delete" type="boolean" width="46"/>   
            <cfgridcolumn name="firstName" header="First Name" />
            <cfgridcolumn name="lastName" header="Last Name" />
            <cfgridcolumn name="email" header="Email" />
         <cfformgroup type="horizontal">
            <cfinput type="button" name="addContact" value="Add" onClick="GridData.insertRow(contactList);"/>
            <cfinput type="button" name="removeContact" value="Remove Checked" onClick="#actionRemove#"/>
            <cfinput type="button" name="selectBtn" width="90" value="Check all" onClick="#selectToggle#"/>
            <cfinput type="submit" name="submitBtn" value="Submit"/>

View live example
Download the source

Nahuel Foronda

Nahuel Foronda


  1. barry.b


    kewl stuff...I'm starting to appreciate cfform, cfgrid and cfchart even more...

    forgive my ignorance but is there anyway around needing a query datatype for cfgrid (or even cfchart)?

    &lt;cfgrid name=&quot;contactList&quot; query=&quot;contactsQuery&quot;

    why? we use arrays of structs because of flash remoting and also because all of our data has to be manipulated before conversion (we can't use the origional query - eg: every text field has to be at least rTrim'ed, dates formatted to ISO standard etc before leaving the model layer).

    it works fine like that and we can swap out flash with dhtml view layers if needed.

    is there no other way apart from converting the array'o'structs back to a query? the double conversion seems a shame...

  2. Wayne
    Hi Nahuel,

    Thank you for you prompt response. I have just one question. The cfdump is an array of the grid changes, with that I want to pass the array as (args) to _global.updateTimesheet = function(args:Object){

    my code here?

    I have not been able to get the code correct to pass to a cfc (may I ask what would it look like?). I not sure what argument must be set in my cffunction. I have done this without flash remoting to a cfc by means of a submit as per your example (using a cfargument name=&quot;formdata&quot; as type=&quot;struct&quot;, then loop over the struct as per the CF7 docs examples.

    Kind Regards
  3. Mike Nimer
    you can use cfgridrow instead of the query attribute. Just loop over the query outputting one cfgridrow for each row in the query (with all of your data tweaked the way you like it).

  4. PaulH
    cool stuff as usual, getting boring ;-)

    a couple/three questions:
    - why are you peeling the row off the grid dataprovider (var item:Object = contactList.dataProvider[i];)? any benefit to doing it that way?

    - any reason why you're going thru the grid in reverse order?

    - i used your code as a model bit i'm seeing cases where GridData.deleteRow(contactList); isn't clearing all the selected rows. any ideas?

    thanks again, i check this blog at least once a day, great stuff.
  5. Hi Paul,
    - why are you peeling the row off the grid dataprovider, any benefit to doing it that way?
    No, You can either do this or getItemAt. I use both.

    - any reason why you're going thru the grid in reverse order?
    Yes, if you go forward, you will find that some items don't get removed. Why? Because if you have, for example, the third and four item checked, when you remove the third, the fourth takes the place of the third but your i now is 4, so you'd never reach the fourth item in your loop.

    - i used your code as a model bit i'm seeing cases where GridData.deleteRow(contactList); isn't clearing all the selected rows. any ideas?
    No, try to track it down and send me how to reproduce the behavior and I will check it

    -i check this blog at least once a day, great stuff.
    Cool :)
  6. PaulH
    thanks, i think the reason the grid rows aren't getting all deleted is because i'm looping in the wrong direction. i keep expecting actionscript to be more voodoo-like i guess ;-)
  7. Wayne
    Hi Paul

    Please would you show the correct code to loop the grid to remove the selected rows. The source code is not working.

    If I may; could I see the code for a reverse loop(ascending) and then (descending)

    Would really appreciate it thanx
  8. PaulH
    wayne, the sample code works fine. use that.
  9. David Brannan

    David Brannan

    I'm trying to submit only numerical fields if checked. The fields are invoiceID and numerical, but not boolean.

    &lt;cfgridcolumn name=&quot;invoiceNum&quot; header=&quot;Select&quot; type=&quot;boolean&quot; width=&quot;50&quot; /&gt;

    This doesn't work, of course.

    The data comes from a query, so not certain how to have it selected for submission.


  10. rob
    Database adding and deleting records question.

    How does the items checked get remove from the database?

    I tryed using your code and my table with my db, I can add/remove items but when I click Submit the record remains in the database without getting updated.

    Would really appreciate it.
    Muchas Gracias.
  11. Laura
    When you run the example, and submit the form, you will see that there are several variables in the form scope that tell you what has been added, what has been edited and what has been deleted. It is your job to go through each array and remove what it needs to be removed, the same for update, and insert.
    If you deleted something, you will see:
    CONTACTLIST.ROWSTATUS.ACTION with an array containing a D (for deleted), those must be deleted. Otherwise you will see I for inserted, and U for updated, with the new and old value.

    Hope that helps
  12. David Brannan

    David Brannan

    I'm having trouble with what should be a very simple procedure.

    1. I want to populate a cfgrid with a query.
    2. I want to be able to select a row with a check box.
    3. If a check box is selected I want a hidden field to be submitted along with the data in the row.

    This is a great example, but it doesn't quite fit this senerio.
  13. Rob

    Thanks for your reply, forgive my ignorance but I'm lost.

    -It is your job to go through each array and remove what it needs to be removed, the same for update, and insert.

    Do I need to do this within the cfsavecontent tag or I need to loop over to delete the selected rows???

    Can you direct me to a sample code on how to delete the rows from the DB after submitting from cfgrid. I tried cfgridupdate but is not working with the flash form cfgrid.

    Thank you guys again for sharing your talent/ideas with the rest of us.
  14. David Brannan

    David Brannan

    I got it - just needed to add &quot;checked&quot; to my database w/ default as &quot;no&quot;. Now it populates the grid with my query, allows me to select a row with a checkbox, and submit the rows selected.

    What a no brainer.
  15. Laura
    Depending on your database, you usually can also do
    SELECT *, checked='false'
    FROM yourTable

    If you don't want to polute your database and queries with the view needs, you could also use
    QueryAddColumn(contactsQuery, &quot;checked&quot;, &quot;bit&quot;, arraynew(1));

    at the top of the page after you get your regular query. I think that would be the cleanest method.
  16. Rich Fergus

    Rich Fergus

    Absolutely brilliant posts! So very helpful; This may all too simple but;
    Is there a way to automatically select the first item in a CFGRID after it loads?
  17. Steve Hanzelman
    When I downloaded the source (this is just what I was looking for to solve an issue), it does not remove items from the grid.

    I get the alert message, but the row selected is not removed and the delete box remains checked. If I hit Submit, the rowstatus is a U.

    Any ideas? What obvious issue am I missing?

  18. Laura
    Sorry about that. The source in the zip had a small mistake. Wonder why nobody caught it before.

    I already uploaded the one that works. The only change is in
    contactList.editField(i, &quot;checked&quot;, true);
    contactList.editField(i, &quot;checked&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);

    and the same for false.
  19. Steve Hanzelman
    Thanks for the response.

    I probably was the first to notice since I'm a real putz when it coomes to noticing scripting errors.

    Works fine now.

  20. Joske Vermeersch

    Joske Vermeersch

    This sucks.
    Donwload the 2 files, put them in the same dir, but the lame thing gives an error: can't find component contacts.
    I do not have the time to debug someone else's code.
    This problem happens frequently,
    Why is it so hard to post working examples?
  21. PaulH
    Joske, that's uncalled for--these folks have taken the time to share their work w/the community when they didn't have to. i've learned a ton of stuff about flash forms from this blog for which i'm pretty grateful. there's really no need for that kind of comment.
  22. Richfergus


    I agree PaulH!

    Joske, perhaps you should refrain from complaining. This is by far one of the best forums on the net. It has helped me tremendously.
  23. Jason
    First of all, thanks for showing us the power of flash form!

    How to get the grid row recordCount in AS?
    I'm trying to limit the row that we insert into the grid using AS. So that the add button will turn off when the grid row reaches x number.
  24. Laura
    Check for myGrid.dataProvider.length
    (where myGrid is the name of your grid)
  25. Michael White
    Speed Problems: I am using this for timesheets approval. I'm experiencing a great deal of slowness with a particular page. my routine looks like:

    &lt;!--- Actionscript routine to Select/Deselect All ---&gt;
    &lt;cfsavecontent variable=&quot;selectToggle&quot;&gt;
       if(selectBtn.label == &quot;Check all&quot;)
          for(var i:Number = 0; i &lt; gridTimecard.length; i++)
             gridTimecard.editField(i, &quot;Invoiced&quot;, true);
          selectBtn.label = &quot;Uncheck all&quot;;
       else if(selectBtn.label == &quot;Uncheck all&quot;)
          for(var i:Number = 0; i &lt; gridTimecard.length; i++)
             gridTimecard.editField(i, &quot;Invoiced&quot;, false);
          selectBtn.label = &quot;Check all&quot;;

    I have a grid with 26 columns (only half are visible) so I can pass them all to a processing page to enter them into another table.
    I have already updated my home server to 7.01, What can I do to speed this routine up when I get over a hundred timecards?
  26. Hi Michael,
    I'm thinking that the problem comes from the amount of columns that you have. Having 26 columns may slow down the datagrid.
    Instead to put half of them visible false you can try to don't put them at all, or just put 4 or 6. If the speed is the same we know that is number of columns. is not the problem.
    BTW the code is very simple and I don't know how we can optimize it more.
  27. Jason
    How can I bind a &lt;cfinput type=&quot;checkbox&quot;&gt; to a &lt;cfgridcolumn type=&quot;boolean&quot;&gt;

    &lt;cfinput name=&quot;Status&quot; label=&quot;Status&quot; type=&quot;checkbox&quot; bind=&quot;{myGrid.selectedItem.Status}&quot;
    onchange=&quot;myGrid.dataProvider.editField(myGrid.selectedIndex, 'Status', Status.selected);&quot;&gt;

    I tried this but it couldn't work, any idea?
  28. Joe
    Let me say your actionscripts are awesome!

    I have a question though, when my data is filtered and then selected, the form doesnt pass any data. but when its not filtered, the data is passed. I combined your filtering and checkbox actionscripts.

    Thanks so much for any ideas!
  29. Hi Jason,
    You can try this code:
    &lt;cfinput name=&quot;Status&quot; label=&quot;Status&quot; type=&quot;checkbox&quot; value=&quot;{(myGrid.selectedItem.checked.toString() == 'true')}&quot;
    onclick=&quot;myGrid.dataProvider.editField(myGrid.selectedIndex, 'Status', Status.selected);&quot;&gt;

    You need to use this code if you want to maintain the changes:
  30. Liz
    Is there a way to pass data from a cfinput onchange event to &lt;cfsavecontent variable=&quot;Test&quot;&gt; without using cf_flashCallCFC?
  31. Laura
    you can use functions as described in
  32. Christian Russo

    Christian Russo

    The uncheck/check all function works great, but i noticed one problem. I have a grid that consists of 500+ rows, and when I click on the button, I get this message: &quot;A script in this movie is causing Macromedia Flash Player 7 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?&quot;

    I assume this is due the massive for loop that is running (with 500 rows), but does anyone know of any fix for this or way around it?
  33. Christian Russo

    Christian Russo

    There's also another problem I'm having, which is somewhat related to this topic, so i figured i'd post it here.

    I want to have a constantly changing number in my form based on how many items are checked in my grid. I noticed there was no onchange for cfgridcolumn, and the onchange for cfgrid won't actually run a script if i'm just clicking checkboxes (i have to actually click on another part of the row for &quot;onchange&quot; to work). Does anyone have any suggestions?
  34. Laura
    You need to use this technique to avoid the warning:

    regarding your second question, there a workaround, but it is a little complex to post here. I will try to make an example soon.
  35. Christian Russo

    Christian Russo

    Thanks Laura, it worked great. Gets a little slow near the end, but at least it works!! I actually remember looking at that post a while back, but i completely forgot about it.
  36. Sami Hoda

    Sami Hoda

    I dont know if anyone else is having this problem. I am using checkboxes as discussed here, and when I submit the form, it shows what was selected fine. However, if I select two items, then unselect one, it thinks both are selected. Anyone else having selecting, then unselecting checkbox issues?
  37. Laura
    I tested it here: http://www.asfusion.com/blog/examples/item/checkboxes-in-a-cfgrid
    and I don't see any problem. Do you do anything else besides checking and unchecking?
  38. John
    I have a checkbox that only certain users can click on, is this possible?

    I know that if you have a cfgrid that is editable you can mark certian colums as not editable with select=&quot;no&quot;.

    Is there a way to do this for certian rows.
    Certian record can only be changed by certain users.

    Thanks in advance

  39. Jan Dolphijn
    I have used your addressbook code (thanks ! great work) combined with a query of a msaccess db. I have trouble cfupdating the addressbook because all kinds of strange variables are generating errors. In the cfdump of the page after trying an update every field in the db is repeated ( while not using columns in the grid, with columns only the those fields generate faults) like contactlist.firstname, contactlist.job etc. etc.
    Which are not defined in the db and hence generate faults.
    The cfinsert is working fine, no strange happenings. You could check the page out and try an update. the dump is still on this page.

    Does any of you have a clue how to work around these variables ? They are getting on my nerves


    Jan (Netherlands)

  40. Melissa


    Is there any way to have select boxes inside of a cfgrid? I want to use a cfgrid for my cfform but I need to have dropdowns so that I can control the input from the user.
  41. Sami Hoda

    Sami Hoda

    How can we verify atleast one box is selected using Actionscript and thus display an alert saying, &quot;Please select at least one result&quot;?

  42. Laura
    I can't really help you because I never use cfupdate/cfinsert. I don't recommend their use because you have no control on what goes on.

    The simple answer, not it is not possible unless you use hacks.

    I would loop over the items like in the example checking if there is any true, stopping when I found one. If after looping I couldn't find anything, I would show an alert.
  43. Ed
    Can someone post what their contacts.cfc looks like if they are using a query instead of the hard coding the data?

    Thanks in advance,

  44. Laura
    It's just a query:
    &lt;cffunction name=&quot;getAll&quot; output=&quot;false&quot; access=&quot;public&quot; returntype=&quot;query&quot;&gt;

       &lt;cfset var allcontacts = &quot;&quot; /&gt;
       &lt;cfquery name=&quot;allcontacts&quot; datasource=&quot;yourDatasource&quot;&gt;
          SELECT   *, 'false' as checked
          FROM   contacts

       &lt;cfreturn allcontacts /&gt;

    You can add the checked column as I did above or:
    SELECT *, checked='false'
    FROM contacts

    QueryAddColumn(allcontacts, &quot;checked&quot;, &quot;bit&quot;, arraynew(1));
  45. Ed
    Okay, now I am ready to do delete the record from the table. Is it safe to see I can do something like so...

    &lt;cfsavecontent variable=&quot;actionRemove&quot;&gt;
       var contactList = contactList;
       var confirm = function (evt)
    if (evt.detail == mx.controls.Alert.OK)
             &lt;cfquery datasource=&quot;dsNameHere&quot; name=&quot;deleterec&quot; &gt;
             &lt;!--- add delete sql here---&gt;
    for(var i:Number = contactList.length-1; i &gt;= 0; i--)
                var item:Object = contactList.dataProvider[i];
                if(item.checked.toString() == &quot;true&quot;)
                   contactList.selectedIndex = i;
    } else { alert(&quot;Cancel&quot;);   }
       alert(&quot;Are you sure you want to remove this panorama?&quot;, &quot;Warning&quot;,
       mx.controls.Alert.OK | mx.controls.Alert.CANCEL, confirm);

    What I am not sure of is what I am referencing from the array of what has been selected for delete. Normally I would do like so...

    DELETE FROM myTable
    WHERE id = some_value

    I am not sure how to get my 'some_value' once the form is submitted.

    Hope this is clear.

    Cheers (learning a lot!)

  46. Ska

    I'm having problems getting this to work after the dataProvider has been modified via remoting to a web service. I have also tried loading all of my data into a grid and using that awesome applyFilter script from this site as well. Both seem to not post anything in the arrays (form.gridname arrays are ALL empty) after the dataProvider has been changed. It works just fine if I check the boxes and submit without filtering.

    Any ideas?

  47. Laura
    No, it does not work that way. You can't mix CF with actionscript like that. Remember that ActionScript runs in the Flash player. It is as if you would tell the flash player to execute &lt;cfquery&gt;. It won't be able to do it. In fact, if you get the query to execute, it will do it when the page loads, as it executes any code in the page. To clarify, &lt;cfsavecontent&gt; is only a way to get the actionScript script in a string and then paste in a control event handler that will execute when the ActionScript event fires in the client.
    To do what you want, you will need to submit the form or call a remoting service.
    I know it is strange, I hope that makes sense.

    It has been noted in the filter post that it does not work for editable grids if you want to submit it and get the arrays. There is also a fix to the filter code that does work with that. You will see that the code gets more complex because you need to do everything manually. Anyway, I would say that if you use remoting, stick with remoting, if you use submit, stick with loading the grid as normal.

  48. DerekB
    I'm populating my checkbox-grid from a cftree ala: http://www.asfusion.com/blog/entry/populating-a-cfgrid-with-flash-remoting

    On submitting the form, with checkboxes checked of course, the array is empty. (The grid, in another page without the cftree, works 100%.)

    Rumour is that this is a known bug in CF. Is it really?

    What is the solution to passing the selected rows data to the next page, without having to rely on the array?

    Thanks Laura and everyone for making this the premier place to look for Flashy forms type stuff.
  49. Laura
    Thank you for your comments. Regarding your question, see my answer to Ska above your comment. The same thing applies to populating the grid with remoting because you are manipulating the dataProvider directly. It is not a CF bug.
  50. Joel
    Is it possible to send selected records' pimary key to an &quot;action&quot; page once the user has chosen records and clicked on a submit button?

    Great website by the way!

    Thanks for the feedback.
  51. Sami Hoda

    Sami Hoda


    I've created a custom tag to do that. When I created it, I emailed it to Laura. She may want to post it on the site. It parses through what was clicked/unclicked (edited), and what was really left clicked to give you the necessary primary key for the row(s).

    Let me know if you want a copy.

    Sami Hoda
  52. Ed
    Sami, I am looking for this as well. Can you post or send me a copy?


  53. Joel

    Thanks a copy of that custom tag would be great.

  54. Sami Hoda

    Sami Hoda

    You guys will need to email me directly, so I can reply with an attachment.

    samihoda &lt;at&gt; gmail &lt;dot&gt; com
  55. Dimitry


    Hi, I am a complete novice to flash forms. Can someone post a quick way to determine on the receiving template which check boxes were checked when the form was submitted? I can clearly see which were 'false' in the cfdump tag but how does it work like in reality? Hidden fields seem to be working fine if only one check box was checked but I cannot figure out a way to do the same if it were more than one. Any help will be highly appreciated.


  56. Laura
    There is a good example in the docs:
    You just need to make a loop to find all the checked items.
  57. Dimitry


    Sami and Laura,

    Thank you for your help. I think I'm on the right track now.

  58. Brad Wood

    Brad Wood

    I am using checkboxes in a grid like this example describes:
    The problem is, I need a click event to be fired when any of the checkboxes are clicked which tells me which one was clicked. I need this so I can update a text box with the total checked $. I tried attaching the cellPress event to the grid but that is not fired when the checkbox is clicked. I think I need to use the click event from the checkbox class, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to access the checkbox object since CF takes care of its creation. Will I need to attach an event to EVERY SINGLE check box in the grid? It will need to be dynamic since the contents of the grid may be reloaded with flash remoting at any time. Is this just way more complicated than it needs to be, or have I missed the &quot;simple boat&quot; :)
    Please advise if you have any ideas.
  59. MrBuzzy


    Hi, is it possible to have a column of check boxes but have the rest of the columns not editable? It seem the only way to enable them is by having the who column editable (selectmode=edit).

    Thanks in anticipation.
  60. Brad Wood

    Brad Wood


    Here's what I did to accomplish that:

    selectmode=&quot;edit&quot; in my cfgrid tag and

    select=&quot;no&quot; in EVERY cfgridcolumn tab BUT the checkbox.

    Basicaly, you are turning &quot;on&quot; all the whole grid, and then turning &quot;off&quot; all but one column.

    On a side note, some grid events like cells gaining focus aren't fired unless the cell is enabled.
  61. nicetim
    this is awesome..
    can i fire a function when the checkbox is clicked?

  62. Justin Schier
    Hi -
    Thanks for this AWESOME stuff - it has helped me so much.

    I would like to check to see than no more than 10 checkboxes are checked before the form can be submitted. In other words, if 12 checkboxes are checked by the user, an error should pop up saying &quot;please check max 10 checkboxes&quot;. Even better, as soon as the 11th checkbox is checked, the error should pop up and disallow the check.

    Is there an easy way to do this?

    Thanks very much,
    Justin Schier
  63. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac

    Hi Laura,

    I'm using only remoting (as you've advised Ed to do in one of your posts). However, I'm having a bug at the moment, and I really don't know how to solve it. I'd be very much grateful if you could please help me out.
    Ok, so here goes...

    I have a button with a &quot;-&quot; (minus) label on it and when I click on this button, it should remove the checked items from my grid. The onClick event triggers the following function:

    public function delFromGrid():Void {
    var myGrid = myGrid;
    var confirm = function (evt)
       if(evt.detail == mx.controls.Alert.YES)
       for(var i:Number = myGrid.length - 1; i &gt;= 0; i--)
        if(myGrid.getItemAt(i).checked.toString() == &quot;true&quot;) {
          myGrid.selectedIndex = i;
          alert(&quot;id: &quot;+myGrid.getItemAt(i).id); //it alerts the id correctly
                               //make a call to my CFC to flag the selected id
          var myID:Number = myGrid.getItemAt(i).id;
    //it never calls this function, and I really don't know why

             alert(&quot;Are you sure you want to remove the selected record?&quot;, &quot;Warning&quot;,
             mx.controls.Alert.YES | mx.controls.Alert.NO, confirm);

    Now, the bug is:
    You will notice the following line of code
    But this piece of code is NEVER executed!
    The part alert(&quot;id: &quot;+myGrid.getItemAt(i).id); is working, and even the GridData.deleteRow(myGrid); is working but not the call to my CFC!

    And since I'm not submitting anything, I can't obviously check whether the gridName.ROWSTATUS.ACTION is &quot;D&quot; to process the deletion of the record id from my database.

    I've also tried the following istead:

                if(myGrid.getItemAt(i).checked.toString() == &quot;true&quot;)
                   myGrid.selectedIndex = i;
                   alert(&quot;id: &quot;+myGrid.getItemAt(i).id);
                   //make a call to my CFC to flag the selected id
                   var myID:Number = myGrid.getItemAt(i).id;
                   //create a function to test whether the myID can be passed to another function

    And then in my function checkID, I do:

    &lt;!--- Function to process id to be deleted ---&gt;
    public function checkID( id:Number):Void {
       alert(&quot;received id: &quot;+id+&quot; from grid&quot;);

    But it never alerts the id!!

    So, I'm a bit stuck with this at the moment and I really can't figure out why this is not working at all!

    The funny thing is, likewise, I have another button labelled &quot;+&quot; to add records to the grid using a function called addToGrid, and inside this function I call another function called buildData() which actually calls my CFC to insert the record to my database, and this works!!!

    I'd be very much grateful if you could please help me sort out this problem.

    Thanks and regards,
    Yogesh Mahadnac
  64. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac

    Hi, it's me again!

    Actually I've figured out the solution and I wanted to share it with all of you here ;-)

    Instead of just checkID(myID); I only needed to do _root.checkID(myID); and this did the trick.

    Hope this helps you all.

    Yogesh Mahadnac
  65. MJE

    Can someone please help me out? I am trying to retrieve the value of the items selected via AS, similar to fieldName.text, and while it's easy to retrieve the value with a regular form submission, I'm using flash remoting to insert the values into the db, and have not been able to figure out the right way to retrieve the values.

    I've been trying
    but nothing works! Please help!
  66. MJE
    I should clarify that basically I'm trying to retrieve the equivalent of the contactList.firstName array that is rendered when you hit submit, but via AS without hitting the submit button.

    I would like to either retrieve a list or an array that I can use to populate the database, based on what has been checked in the cfgrid.

    I have also tried to create a function that loops over the ids and populate those into a variable as a list, but I'm totally stuck there too.

    When I used this, it showed me that the IDs I selected were 2 and 7, but one value was inserted into the database, which was a -1!

    for(var i:Number = grid.length - 1; i &gt;= 0; i--)
    if(grid.getItemAt(i).id == &quot;true&quot;)
       grid.selectedIndex = i;
       alert(&quot;id: &quot;+grid.getItemAt(i).metlID);
       addArguments.theList= grid.getItemAt(i).id;

    Please, please help! :)
  67. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac

    Ok, I've done something similar, so maybe the following might help you.

    In my flash form I have a small button which I've labelled &quot;Add&quot; to add items to the grid

    &lt;cfinput type = &quot;button&quot; name=&quot;plus_pb&quot; value = &quot;Add&quot; onclick=&quot;addToGrid();&quot; tabindex=&quot;7&quot;&gt;

    Now when I click on the &quot;Add&quot; button the following code is executed within my &lt;cfformitem type=&quot;script&quot;&gt;


    public function addToGrid():void {

    var found = 0;
    for(var i:Number = 0;i &lt; myGrid.length;i++)
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).adjustment_date == date_txf.text) and
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).id_broker == broker_cb.selectedItem.data) and
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).id_currency == currency_cb.selectedItem.data) and
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).id_adjustment_type == adjustment_cb.selectedItem.data) and
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).adjustment_description == mydesc) and
       (myGrid.getItemAt(i).adjusted_amount == amount_txf.text)
          found = 1;
          alert(&quot;This adjustment already exists in the grid&quot;);

    if(found == 0)


    Now, in my buildData function, I do the following:

    public function buildData():Void{
       &lt;!--- Create structure ---&gt;
       var myData:Object = {};
       myData.adjustment_date = date_txf.text;
       myData.id_broker = broker_cb.selectedItem.data;
       myData.id_currency = currency_cb.selectedItem.data;
       myData.id_adjustment_type = adjustment_cb.selectedItem.data;
       myData.adjustment_description = mytxt;
       myData.adjusted_amount = amount_txf.text;
       &lt;!--- Make a call to add record to db ---&gt;
       if( mx.validators.Validator.isStructureValid(this, 'myForm') ){
          &lt;!--- Set busy cursor ---&gt;

    Finally, in my CFC (adjustment.cfc)

    &lt;cffunction name=&quot;create&quot; access=&quot;remote&quot; returntype=&quot;void&quot;&gt;

       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;adjustment_date&quot; type=&quot;string&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;id_broker&quot; type=&quot;numeric&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;id_currency&quot; type=&quot;numeric&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;id_adjustment_type&quot; type=&quot;numeric&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;adjustment_description&quot; type=&quot;string&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfargument name=&quot;adjusted_amount&quot; type=&quot;numeric&quot; required=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;
       &lt;cfset locale = #SetLocale(&quot;English (UK)&quot;)#&gt;

    &lt;!--- Each cfargument represents the corresponding &quot;field&quot; I've used in myData in the function buildData ---&gt;


    If you need any further help, please don't hesitate to contact me on [email protected]

  68. MJE
    Thanks so much for your reply Yogesh,

    Most of what you have, I also have done very similarly, and all of my values are inserting into the database fine, with the exception of the checkbox values from the grid.

    The whole issue is that in this function, I would like to retreive the values of the checkboxes selected in the grid via ActionScript.

    public function submitTask():Void {
       var addArguments:Object = {};
       &lt;!--- simple text inputs ---&gt;
       addArguments.taskName = taskName.text;
       addArguments.taskComments = taskComments.text;
       addArguments.taskPublication = taskPublication.text;
       addArguments.taskParagraph = taskParagraph.text;
       addArguments.wucIndex = wucIndex.text;
       addArguments.wuc = wuc.text;
       &lt;!--- radio button (e.g. addArguments.status = edit_status.selectedData;) ---&gt;
          //addArguments.myGrid= myGrid.id
       &lt;!--- need to do something different for myGrid grid to retrieve values --- but what??? - the following doesn't work---&gt;
        for(var i:Number = myGrid.length - 1; i &gt;= 0; i--)
    if(myGrid.getItemAt(i).id == &quot;true&quot;)
       myGrid.selectedIndex = i;
       alert(&quot;id: &quot;+myGrid.getItemAt(i).id); //this shows the id number
       addArguments.myGrid= myGrid.getItemAt(i).id;
       &lt;!--- dropdowns ---&gt;
       addArguments.system = system.value;
       addArguments.type = type.value;    addArguments.jobGuide = jobGuide.text;
       &lt;!--- only make call if all required fields are supplied ---&gt;
       if( mx.validators.Validator.isStructureValid(this, 'myForm') ){
          &lt;!--- show clock cursor ---&gt;
    &lt;!--- call service and insert data - this references the inc/myService.cfc ---&gt;

    This is the grid that the values are being captured from:

    &lt;cfgrid name=&quot;myGrid&quot; rowHeight=&quot;100&quot; rowheaders=&quot;false&quot; query=&quot;getData&quot; width=&quot;625&quot; height=&quot;350&quot; selectmode=&quot;edit&quot;&gt;
    &lt;cfgridcolumn name=&quot;id&quot; header=&quot;Select&quot; type=&quot;boolean&quot; width=&quot;46&quot;&gt;   
    &lt;cfgridcolumn header=&quot;Title of Data&quot; name=&quot;dataText&quot; select=&quot;no&quot; &gt;   

    How can I capture these values in the submitTask() function above?

    Thanks again for the help!
  69. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac

    Ok, to retrieve the values of the checkboxes, maybe you can try the following:

    public function submitTask():Void {
    var myGrid = myGrid;

    for(var i:Number = 0; i &lt; myGrid.length; i++)
       if(myGrid.getItemAt(i).id.toString() == &quot;true&quot;)
          var idx:Number = i;
          myGrid.selectedIndex = idx;
          var myID:Number = myGrid.getItemAt(idx).id; //here maybe you will have to change Number to String
          alert(&quot;id where checkbox is checked: &quot;+myID);


    Hope this helps.

    Else you can contact me on [email protected]

    Good luck!
  70. MJE
    Thanks again Yogesh,

    The code you provided however, is exactly what I'm using already (just using different syntax). Take a look at the code that I submitted in my last post.

    It only saves one value at a time. I need to capture ALL of the values in a list or an array - for instance, if the user selected items 1, 3 and 5 out of the options 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 - I want to end up with a resulting list of:

    addArguments.myGrid= &quot;1,3,5&quot; once it has been captured.

    If someone can please help, I would greatly appreciate it!

  71. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac

    Ok, maybe you can try the following:

    public function submitTask():Void {
    var myGrid = myGrid;
    var myList:String = &quot;&quot;;

    for(var i:Number = 0; i &lt; myGrid.length; i++)
    if(myGrid.getItemAt(i).id.toString() == &quot;true&quot;)
    var idx:Number = i;
    myGrid.selectedIndex = idx;

    var myID:Number = myGrid.getItemAt(idx).id; //here maybe you will have to change Number to String
    myList = myList + myGrid.getItemAt(idx).id + &quot;,&quot;;
    alert(&quot;id where checkbox is checked: &quot;+myID);

    myList = myList.substr(myList.length,-1);
    //then you can add mylist to your variable
    addArguments.yourVariableName = myList;


    Hope this helps.

  72. MJE
    Thanks again for your efforts Yogesh,

    Unfortunately this isn't doing the trick either. I know there has to be a way to get these values in a list or an array - what am I missing??
  73. Laura
    I am not completely sure about what you want to do, but if what you want is to get the checked id in an array, you would do something like (assume you have an id column):

    var selectedIds:Array = [];
    for(var i:Number = 0; i &lt; contactList.length; i++){
    var item:Object = contactList.getItemAt(i);

    if(item.checked.toString() == &quot;true&quot;) {
    This will give you an array will all the ids of the checked items.

    Actually, I just found a function that I wrote some time ago to which you can pass the name of the column you want the array to be populate with.

    public function getSelectedItems(grid:mx.controls.DataGrid, checkColumn:String, column:String):Array{
       var selected:Array = [];
       for(var i:Number = grid.length-1; i &gt;= 0; i--) {
          var item:Object = grid.getItemAt(i);
    if(item[checkColumn].toString() == &quot;true&quot;) {
    return selected;

    checkcolumn is the name of the column that contains the checkbox, and the column is say &quot;id&quot; or &quot;lastName&quot;, whatever you want your array to have.
  74. MJE
    Hi Laura,

    Thanks so much! I'm sure this is on the right track, and I'm probably using it wrong. I'll try to be more clear about exactly what I'm trying to do. When referencing this &quot;CheckBoxes in a cfgrid example&quot;, if you load it and check Alan and Andy, for example and then hit submit, the contactList.lastName array is returned with the values of Alan and Andy. That is what I want to retrieve via AS.

    Referring to your Real Estate Sample Application, you capture the flash remoting variables to be populated into the database when the user submits the form. However, since the &quot;submit&quot; is not taking place, the contactList array isn't retreived. In your Real Estate example, you have a section where all of the values of entered data are captured - on the index.cfm page in the :

    public function submitEdit():Void {
       var editArguments:Object = {};
       &lt;!--- simple text inputs ---&gt;
       editArguments.mls_id = edit_mls_id.text;
    &lt;!--- radio button ---&gt;
       editArguments.status = edit_status.selectedData;
    &lt;!--- checkboxes ---&gt;
       editArguments.hasPool = edit_hasPool.selected;

    Basically I am trying to set the editArguments.dataGridValuesThatWereChecked
    to pass in the editArguments function.

    I tried using the example that you submitted and somehow it hung the whole form. This is what I tried to use:

    public function getSelectedItems(metlList:mx.controls.DataGrid, id:String, metlID:String):Array{
       var selected:Array = [];
       for(var i:Number = metlList.length-1; i &gt;= 0; i--) {
          var item:Object = metlList.getItemAt(i);
    if(item[id].toString() == &quot;true&quot;) {
    return selected;
    alert(&quot;ids selected: &quot;+selected; //it hangs with or without this line}

    This is the grid that I'm working with:

    &lt;cfgrid name=&quot;metlList&quot; rowHeight=&quot;100&quot; rowheaders=&quot;false&quot; query=&quot;getMetls&quot; width=&quot;625&quot; height=&quot;350&quot; selectmode=&quot;edit&quot;&gt;
    &lt;cfgridcolumn name=&quot;id&quot; header=&quot;Select&quot; type=&quot;boolean&quot; width=&quot;46&quot;&gt;   
    &lt;cfgridcolumn header=&quot;METL ID&quot; name=&quot;metlID&quot; display=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;
    &lt;cfgridcolumn header=&quot;METL&quot; name=&quot;metlText&quot; select=&quot;no&quot; &gt;   

    Hopefully this helps to clarify what I'm trying to do. Ultimately, I would like the list of metlIDs in a list or an array.

    If you can help I would be SO grateful!! Thanks again for all of your efforts on this site - it is my main resource for developing cf flash form apps!
  75. daniel fredereicks
    Ok, so I have tried and tried to figure this out. I am using flash remoting to populate my grid. One of my columns is a checkbox. I want to dynamically &quot;check&quot; the checkbox if the data in the database is true. I can't seem to get it to work. I am looping over the data, but can't find the code to put inside the loop to select the checkbox.
  76. Drew
    Hi everyone,
    Firstly...fantastic site Laura. Been here countless times in the past month as all google paths lead me here :).

    My question is the same as Brad Wood asked above, yet as I see no reply to his post I'm gathering that it's not possible to fire an event on the checkbox object.

    Can someone tell me definitively that this is the case? I will then can my nice flashy grid for now and move on.

    Also, I've heard that Flex now uses a superior version of AS than cfform does. Is this true and do we think cfform will follow flex and use the same platform.
  77. BillCupps
    I noticed in a post a while back that someone else asked if there is a way to catch the click of a checkbox in a grid. Has anyone come up with a solution to this? I can capture that the user clicked on a different row with the onChange of the grid. But if the user just clicks on a checkbox that event doesn't fire. I've tried adding a listener in the onLoad. And while it works for the load, it still does not fire if the user just clicks on an editable checkbox in a grid.

    var listener:Object = {};
    var grid1:mx.controls.DataGrid = grid1;
    listener.modelChanged = function(evt):Void {
    if (grid1.dataProvider.length){
                    grid1.selectedIndex = 0;

    Any ideas?
  78. Edgar Febres

    Edgar Febres

    I'm trying to get this to work, but for some reason my grid doesn't get populated. I have this sample installed on two servers. One Windows2003 and the other RedHat EL 4.0. It works on the Win Machine but not on the RedHat. Furthermore, it will display on a PC but it won't display the grid at all on a Mac with Firefox on it.

    Any ideas what is going on on the server side that I should be looking into?
  79. Joseph Abenhaim

    Joseph Abenhaim

    Just out of curiousity, say i have a grid with a checkbox and a field name itemNumber, how would i pass items selected to a component using remoting. I can do it with simple text objects etc... but i havent been able to with a grid.
  80. Vikrant


    First off, GREAT site!!!!

    I have been toying around with the grid filtering and this example. I was wondering if anyone has filtered another grid by what was selected by a checkbox in a secondary grid by means of a button.

    Populate grid1 with information from a query. I would like to then select specific rows of that grid and click a Selection button and pass the selected information to grid2.
    Basically filtering the next grid on if the checked box is true.

    I am new to this and still digesting how the the applyFilter accually works in the grid filtering example.

    Any info you can provide would be great.

  81. Patrick


    I'll start by also saying this site is awesome!!

    Now onto my question...

    I've got a checkbox in my grid and i want to disable some of the based on who they are. However, I'm not sure how to reference the checkboxes in the grid... Here's my code:

    <cfform name="myform" width="600" format="Flash" action="saveFile.cfm?oppID=#oppID#" skin="haloorange" timeout="100" enctype="multipart/form-data" onload="onFormLoad();">

       <cfformgroup type="tabnavigator">
       <cfformgroup label="Attachments" type="page">
       <cfformgroup label="Current Attachments" type="panel">
    <cfformitem type="script">
    <!--- onload function --->
    function onFormLoad(){
    var listener:Object = {};

    //put the controls in scope to avoid calling _root

    var attachmentList:mx.controls.DataGrid = attachmentList;

    listener.modelChanged = function(evt):Void {

    <!--- select first item --->
    if (attachmentList.dataProvider.length){
              for(var i:Number = 0; i < attachmentList.dataProvider.length; i++) {
                if(attachmentList.dataProvider[i].AttachOwner.toString() == 'haj') { //enable checkbox }
       else { //disable checkbox }


       <cfformitem type="text" style="color:##FF0000;">** Click on file name to view attachment **</cfformitem>
       <cfgrid name="attachmentList" query="attachmentsQuery" height="220" rowheaders="false"
                   selectmode="edit" onchange="#launchAttachment#">

                <cfgridcolumn name="checked" header="Delete" type="boolean" width="46" >
                <cfgridcolumn name="AttachOwner" display="yes" select="no">
                <cfgridcolumn name="AttachID" display="no">
                <cfgridcolumn name="AttachName" header="Attachment" select="no" />   
                <cfgridcolumn name="Name" header="Attached By" select="no" />
                <cfgridcolumn name="DateTimeKey" header="Attach Date" mask="MM/DD/YYYY" select="no" />
                <cfgridcolumn name="AttachmentType" header="Attach Type" select="no" />
       <!--- skinned --->
  82. Keiko
    hi all,

    is it possible to include cfselect in one of the columns of cfgrid? for example i have 3 columns: code, name and country. the country column is a dropdown (cfselect) which i can choose.

    i have read the whole replies and i found no solution on this issue. really appreciate if you all can help me on this.

    thanks in advance
  83. Paul
    I have seen an example of getting a combo box to work inside cfgrid, but it looks somewhat difficult. The link is actually to two examples, one for cfgrid and one for cftree:


    I would be interested if their is an easier way to do this.
  84. Keiko
    Thanks Paul for the reply. I think it works. I just need to learn how to modify it. Cheers.
  85. Dmitriy


    Thanks to author for very useful example!

    I have a question:
    Is it possible to prohibit edit mode for all columns exclude the column "Delete" with checkboxes?

  86. Dmitriy


    I have found the response above. (<cfgriditem ... select="no">)
    Sorry for disturbing.
    But I have another question more complicated but regarding cftree:
    Is it possible to create multilevel tree populated with data from query?
    E.g. I have Fields Category_ID, Parent_ID, Name in the table Categories in normalised database. There are several levels of subcategories... I want to create a multilevel tree which displays the structure of subcategories.
    I guess this kind of task is frequently appeared, but have not found a solution in net. There a lot of tips how to create tree from query or multilevel tree not from query... Almost all are reprints of original instructions from Macromedia: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/6/Developing_ColdFusion_MX_Applications_with_CFML/dynamicForms3.htm

    Any ideas how to do that.
    Thanks in advance.
  87. cEngland


    Is it possible to stop other fields/columns from being edited? I only want to be able to "check the box"

    Thank You
  88. Dmitriy


    To cEngland: the same question appeared in my project this Monday :-)
    the solution (see above comments 90-91) is to add attribute select="no" in columns which You don't want to be editable:

    <cfgridcolumn name="checked" header="Delete" type="boolean" width="46"/>
    <cfgridcolumn name="firstName" header="First Name" select="no"/>
    <cfgridcolumn name="lastName" header="Last Name" select="no"//>
    <cfgridcolumn name="email" header="Email" select="no"//>

    Good Luck!
  89. Laura
    You can do it, but you need to manually loop over your query adding cftreeitems (it can't be done directly). Look at this more updated documentation: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/7/htmldocs/00000347.htm
  90. Dmitriy


    Dear Laura!
    Thank You for reply.

    I have reviewed the link You posted. There are two good examples for two level tree. But unfortunately I need to create multilevel (e.g. 10 levels) tree, where each node is populated from separate query. When I try to do it, I obtain error:

    Invalid tag nesting configuration. A query driven CFOUTPUT tag is nested inside a CFOUTPUT tag that also has a QUERY= attribute. This is not allowed. Nesting these tags implies that you want to use grouped processing. However, only the top-level tag can specify the query that drives the processing.

    Thanks for Your attempt to help. But probably the task have no solution, because I haven't received any reply from macromadia and easycfm forums.
  91. Laura
    Yes, you can't nest queries with <cfoutput>, but you can do it with <cfloop>. It works similarly, check the docs for <cfloop query=""...>
  92. Dmitriy


    Hi, Laura!

    It's my second project using Coldusion. I was vey impressed of mentioned tecnology. But now I have some difficulties, especially in realising GUI. I hope I actually have not enough experience, because I have big plans :-) related with CF technology...

    e.g. I want to use href inside cfgrid and it is don't work. 1. I tried to insert attribute href in <cfgidcolumn>:

    <cfgridcolumn name="Name" header="Category Name" href="m_a_cat.cfm" hrefkey="Name" width="750" select="no">

    it don't work

    2. Variant:

    <cfgrid name="macs" query="GetCats" height="420" colheaderalign="center" rowheaders="false" selectmode="row" appendkey="yes" highlighthref="yes" href="m_a_cat.cfm">

    do not work too.
    May be I use some attributes wrong?

    Regarding multilevel tree I'm forced to use recursion, but I haven't found in CF operator like do ... while. Please answer if exists any, because I can not use in my task cfif or cfloop)

    You may answer me directly at [email protected] or icq 335455493, because moderator may consider that our discussion is not related to the topic.
  93. Tim
    To open another page when you click a grid row, add a onClick handler and put in there the code to open the other page.

    <cfsavecontent variable="clicker">
    var mygrid = mygrid;
    var val = mygrid.selectedItem.COLUMNNAME
    if(val == somevalue){
    _root.getURL("somepage.cfm?somevalue=" + val);

    <cfgrid name="mygrid" onclick="#clicker#">

    As far as the tree goes, here is one i did to show a heiarchy of managers and the people that report to them.
    It does use cfloop though. It only recurses 3 levels deep but it could do more if you conintue the inner loops. This is not a good way to do things with cfform because it is so dynamic that the form will need to be recreated every time it is called.

    The best way to do this, would be to create a cfm page to write out XML tree structure. in this way the flex back end will not have to be called to rerender the form and would save a lot more time. I think there are some docs on the basics of doing that with XML as a datasource here.

    good luck

    Regards Tim

    <cfquery datasource="#tmdsn#" name="Managers">
    SELECT employee_first_name + ' ' + employee_last_name + ' - ' + HR_ORGANIZATION_NAME as EMP, oracle_id
    FROM users
    ORDER BY employee_last_name
    <strong>Please Review</strong><BR />
    <cfform method="get" name="org" preloader="yes" format="flash" height="100%" width="65%" skin="haloorange">

       <cftree name="mytree" height="800" width="500" appendkey="yes" highlighthref="yes" visible="yes" format="flash" lookandfeel="metal">
          <cftreeitem display="Debra May" value="18749" queryasroot="yes"/>
          <cfoutput query="Managers">
             <cfset topid = oracle_id>
             <cftreeitem value="#topid#" display="#EMP#" parent="18749" expand="no"/>
             <cfquery datasource="#tmdsn#" name="Managers1">
             SELECT employee_first_name + ' ' + employee_last_name + ' - ' + HR_ORGANIZATION_NAME as EMP1, oracle_id as OID
             FROM users
             WHERE (SUPERVISOR_ORACLE_ID = #oracle_id#)
             ORDER BY employee_last_name
                <cfloop query="managers1">
                   <cftreeitem parent="#topid#" value="#OID#" display="#EMP1#" expand="no"/>
                      <cfset manid = OID>
                      <cfquery datasource="#tmdsn#" name="Managers2">
                      SELECT employee_first_name + ' ' + employee_last_name + ' - ' + HR_ORGANIZATION_NAME as EMP2, oracle_id as OID2
                      FROM users
                      WHERE (SUPERVISOR_ORACLE_ID = #manid#)
                      ORDER BY employee_last_name
                         <cfloop query="managers2">
                            <cftreeitem parent="#manid#" value="#OID2#" display="#EMP2#" expand="no"/>
                               <cfset manid3 = OID2>
                               <cfquery datasource="#tmdsn#" name="Managers3">
                               SELECT employee_first_name + ' ' + employee_last_name + ' - ' + HR_ORGANIZATION_NAME as EMP3, oracle_id as OID3
                               FROM users WHERE(SUPERVISOR_ORACLE_ID = #manid3#)ORDER BY employee_last_name</cfquery>
                                  <cfloop query="managers3">
                                     <cftreeitem parent="#manid3#" value="#OID3#" display="#EMP3#" expand="no"/>
  94. Jeff
    Hi guys!
    I absolutely love this blog and what you are doing for the community.

    I do have one question and I have been wrestling with the issue for quite some time now.
    When I try to use the example code posted here for the checkboxes and I submit the cfform, no array is defined in the form dump. There is only one field called __CFGRID__ADDRESSBOOK__CONTACTLIST and it seems to hold all data in one big string field and it looks messy with lots of  characters in it.

    I was wondering if anyone has a solution, because I would like to loop through an array that is supposed to be posted, like all the links you guys provided from livedocs also show, but they are not working. This is driving me nuts...

    Any help is greatly appreciated
  95. Ahmed El-Rasheedy

    Ahmed El-Rasheedy

    I ran into this before when I was populating my grid with a flash remoting call on an event for a <cfselect..>. I found no answer to the issue until I contacted Adobe/Macromedia support. I found out tha this a known bug that will be fixed in CFMX 8 release. It has to do with the conversion of the ResultSet object in Flash to a cfquery (which is an array of structs). The ResultSet object does not have an index and that is why you get nothing (from the checkboxes) in the action page after you post the form. I am not sure that would help since I am not sure how you are populating your grid. I ended up using a regular form and refreshing the page every time the selection is made. Some people suggested the use of AJAX but it was kind of late start for me so I did not have the time to do so.
  96. Michael White

    Michael White

    What if you have two columns of checkboxes and you want them to act like a radio button (only one can be checked at a time) One checkbox is "Accept" and the other is "Reject"). Maybe fire an event when one checkbox is checked to uncheck the other? I have seen a couple of posts that relate to my question but no answers... maybe because it can't be done?
  97. Michael White

    Michael White

    I see in the Flex 1.5 livedocs that there is a cellEdit event on a datagrid, any hope there?
  98. Brian
    HELP! :)

    I have a simple flash grid, with a boolean field called Showinmenu. It popualtes correctly, but it won't let me make any changes. I can't add a new record, nor can I change the checked value of that field. Here's the code:

    <cfif IsDefined("form.gridEntered") is True>
    <cfgridupdate grid = "hello" dataSource = "SurveyCase" Keyonly="True" tablequalifier="tblSubmittedBy" tableName = "SurveyCase.dbo.tblSubmittedBy">
    <cfquery name="Recordset1" datasource="SurveyCase" username="xxx" password="xxx">
    SELECT txtIMName, numAutonumber, ShowinMenu
    FROM dbo.tblSubmittedBy
    <cfform format="flash" skin="haloblue">
    <cfgrid name="hello" query = "Recordset1" insert = "Yes" selectmode = "EDIT">
    <cfgridcolumn name = "numAutoNumber" display="no">
    <cfgridcolumn name = "txtIMName" header="Name:">
    <cfgridcolumn name = "Showinmenu" header="Show in Menu:" type="boolean" >
    <cfinput type="submit" name="gridEntered" value="Submit">

    Then here's the error:

    There are no columns found for the given table name "tblSubmittedBy".
    This error may be caused by not specifying the table name in the format that the database server expects. (For example. Oracle Server table name must be upper case or the Server table name must be qualified in the format of "schema.table_name". For the SQL Server, the format is "databasename.username.tablename", such as in customers.dbo.orders)
  99. Brian
    Sorry, ignore my last post. I figured it out.
  100. Laura
    In theory, you should be able to do that by using, as you said, the cellEdit event (you could take a look at the file explorer code where I use the cellEdit event on the grid). The only issue is that the checkbox column uses a custom cell renderer, so hopefully it will still work the same way. If you are planning to submit the form, use editField() function to change the value of the checkboxes like in the example to make sure the changes appear in the action page.
  101. michael white
    Thank you for your response, Laura... I'm embarrassed to say I'm too ignorant to make use of it. I looked at the file explorer and saw the parts that relate to Cell Edit but it seems like no matter how I slice and dice the code I can't get my grid to respond to a checkbox click in a grid (no selection, just check the box). Maybe I'm not sure how to get the index of the row of the checkbox or what the syntax is to use that to change the value of another checkbox in the same row. I have a grid called 'gridTimecard' with two boolean checkbox columns, 'Approved' and 'Rejected' this is the boilerplate code snippet I'm starting with:

       public function formOnLoad(){
       var listener:Object = {};   
       var gridTimecard:mx.controls.DataGrid = gridTimecard;
       listener.cellEdit = function(evtObj):Void {
       //don't know what to put here;
  102. elschaefo


    anybody have experience receiving javascript errors when using checkboxes and cfgrid? im trying to display some text from a database that contains some limited html code for display purposes. when i click on a checkbox, i get the following:

    unterminated string literal
    updateHiddenValue('__CFGRID__EDIT__= [long string here w/ column info]

    if i strip out the text data from the query, and put some simple values in the columns, the checkbox works fine as does the nifty check All , uncheck All function that is the basis of this thread.

    (hopefully my brief description is enough to make sense)

    anyone have any info on this? thanks alot
  103. thomary


    I'm using flash forms. I have a problem. I should be using a radio button but because they won't clear onchange of a grid, I decided to use checkboxes.

    I have the checkboxes binding to the grid. everything works fine. They bind and clear as they should.
    But I need to make sure a user does not select both. Is there any way to do an onclick="#ClearBox1#"
    <cfsavecontent variable="ClearBox1">
    if (thisbox=="yes") {
    box1.selectedData = "no";

    I have tried a lot of different ways but nothing seems to clear the checkbox onclick. I've tried .checked and functions but nothing worked. I see in this code you "clear all" BUT I can't get the right syntax for my needs.

    I have two checkboxes. When one is checked, I want the other to clear. But I still want to bind to mygrid.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  104. Jeff
    I'm interested in the answer to #85 above as well. I want to put a drown down menu with 4 options inside a cfgridcolumn. Is this possible? How? Thanks.
  105. kat

    I use cfform format flash to display and edit participant information to a sport competition. I have a top panel displaying a grid with the list of participants.
    When you select a participant in the grid, it displays the detailed information in a sub page, where you can edit them.

    On one of these sub pages, i have some checkboxes.
    What i want is:
    Depending on whether the particpant is a men or a women (that's a field called Category), the checkboxes vary on the sub page.

    what is the path to access my grid data that are currently selected?
    i tried this, but it doesn't work ...

    ------<cfif "{grid1.selectedItem.Category}" IS 'Women' and "{grid1.selectedItem.Belt}" IS 'Strong'>

    it says grid1 is unknown ... of course ...

    ... any idea on calling these data with the correct script? (i guess you'd have to write a script...)

    screenshot of my page

    i forgot to say that of course my grid and my other fields are binded and it works fine, but now i'd like to have some checkboxes displayed in the tab below if the category of the selected item in the grid is "x" and some other checkboxes displayed if the category is "y".

    Any idea?


  106. MIchael


    I have a simple CFGRID in FLASH.
    Add, Delete and Update work fine except that with add, I would like to pass a hidden value. the value is require. I keep getting a NULL error.
  107. Nicolau


    Hi, good post! I want to delete of the database the line that is checked. I read the comments and I continue don't obtaining success.
  108. Nicolau


    Hi, good post! I want to delete of the database the line that is checked. I read the comments and I continue don't obtaining success.
  109. Adrian Peterson

    Adrian Peterson

    I added one line, (removeContact.label = 'TEST';) but it won't allow me to change the label.

    I was actually integrating the prompting code into the check/uncheck all sample but the label would no longer flip. So I tried just adding a line to this code and confirmed it wouldn't work here.

    It seems simply adding the prompt function won't let me change a label in the form. Is this correct or am I missing something?


    <cfsavecontent variable="actionRemove">
       var contactList = contactList;
       var confirm = function (evt)
    if (evt.detail == mx.controls.Alert.OK)
    for(var i:Number = contactList.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
                var item:Object = contactList.dataProvider[i];

                if(item.checked.toString() == "true")
                   contactList.selectedIndex = i;
                removeContact.label = 'TEST';
       alert("Are you sure you want to remove the checked records?", "Warning",
       mx.controls.Alert.OK | mx.controls.Alert.CANCEL, confirm);
  110. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac


    Anyone has got any answer for post no. 84 by Patrick on 7th June 2006 (I've got a checkbox in my grid and i want to disable some of the based on who they are)?

    First of all, is it feasible?

    If yes, can someone please give an example?

    Thanks and regards,
  111. Yogesh Mahadnac

    Yogesh Mahadnac


    Anyone has got any answer for post no. 84 by Patrick on 7th June 2006 (I've got a checkbox in my grid and i want to disable some of the based on who they are)?

    First of all, is it feasible?

    If yes, can someone please give an example?

    Thanks and regards,
  112. diana
    This answer is to Ed's question about saving to the database. You need to submit the form by using the code below.

    Ed, go to this http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/7/htmldocs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=ColdFusion_Documentation&file=00000266.htm

    Incase you can't view it:

    <cfif IsDefined('form.gridname.rowstatus.action')>
    <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(form.gridname.rowstatus.action)#">
    <!--- insert statement--->
    <cfif form.gridname.rowstatus.action[i] IS "I">
    <cfquery name="Insert" datasource="#Application.dbTravel#">
    INSERT INTO _cards (FirmaCC, NummerCC, VervaldatumCC, CUV, ReizigerID)
    VALUES ('#form.gridname.FirmaCC[i]#', '#form.gridname.Nummer[i]#', '#form.gridname.VervaldatumCC[i]#', '#form.gridname.CUV[i]#', '169')

    <!--- delete statement--->
    <cfelseif form.gridname.rowstatus.action[i] IS "D">
    <cfquery name="Delete" datasource="#Application.dbTravel#">
    DELETE FROM _cards
    WHERE rid=#form.gridname.Original.rid[i]#

    Hope this help.
  113. diana
    This answer is to Ed's question about saving to the database. You need to submit the form by using the code below.

    Ed, go to this http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/7/htmldocs/wwhelp/wwhimpl/common/html/wwhelp.htm?context=ColdFusion_Documentation&file=00000266.htm

    Incase you can't view it:

    <cfif IsDefined('form.gridname.rowstatus.action')>
    <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(form.gridname.rowstatus.action)#">
    <!--- insert statement--->
    <cfif form.gridname.rowstatus.action[i] IS "I">
    <cfquery name="Insert" datasource="#Application.dbTravel#">
    INSERT INTO _cards (FirmaCC, NummerCC, VervaldatumCC, CUV, ReizigerID)
    VALUES ('#form.gridname.FirmaCC[i]#', '#form.gridname.Nummer[i]#', '#form.gridname.VervaldatumCC[i]#', '#form.gridname.CUV[i]#', '169')

    <!--- delete statement--->
    <cfelseif form.gridname.rowstatus.action[i] IS "D">
    <cfquery name="Delete" datasource="#Application.dbTravel#">
    DELETE FROM _cards
    WHERE rid=#form.gridname.Original.rid[i]#

    Hope this help.
  114. ddidci
    When i set selectmode="edit" then the cells are also editable.
    Can it be done so that only the checkboxes to allow to be edited?
    Thank you in advance :)
  115. ddidci

    i have problem i write the code on the delete button as shown, and i am trying to remoting, but maybe i do something wrong, as when it catch the item object it doesn't see info in it or at least doesn't recognize when is checked.
    Can someone please give me some advice :/

    Here is the code:
    AlarmsList is the name of the grid
    <cfsavecontent variable="actionRemove">
    //create connection
    var connection:mx.remoting.Connection = mx.remoting.NetServices.createGatewayConnection("http://#cgi.HTTP_HOST#/flashservices/gateway/");
    //declare service
    var myService:mx.remoting.NetServiceProxy;
    var responseHandler = {};   
    var AlarmsList = AlarmsList;

    responseHandler.onResult = function( results: Object ):Void {
    responseHandler.onStatus = function( stat: Object ):Void {
    alert("Error while calling cfc:" + stat.description);

    myService = connection.getService("components.alarm_createComponent", responseHandler );
    var console = console;

    var confirm = function (evt)

    if (evt.detail == mx.controls.Alert.OK)
    for(var i:Number = AlarmsList.length-1; i >= 0; i--)
    var item:Object = AlarmsList.dataProvider[i];
    if(item.checked.toString() == "true")
    AlarmsList.selectedIndex = i;
    var itemstring: Number =AlarmsList.selectedItem.alarmschedid;
    alert("Are you sure you want to remove the checked records?", "Warning", mx.controls.Alert.OK | mx.controls.Alert.CANCEL, confirm);