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I made an AS2.0 class that implements a similar interface to the Java List Iterator. This class is useful for going through every element in an Array, but without the famous i++ variable. A nice use of this class is when you have a loop on an EnterFrame so that you don’t need to maintain the variable i across the frames but simply evaluate hasNext() and call next() if there are more elements.
If you want to know more about this Interface you can take a look in the Sun site.
You can download the source and an example.
You can view the code in the browser.
Nahuel Foronda

Nahuel Foronda


  1. darron
    Nice work! I'm sincerely hoping the next version of Flash comes with a better class library. It seems like, as a community, we're always porting Java functionality to AS2 to aid us in our development efforts...
  2. Cesar Tardaguila

    I also implemented an iterator class as part of my hsahmap implementation.

    You can view it here: